更新时间:2024-09-24 08:59:50作者:欧曼老师
科尔多瓦国立大学成立于1613年,是拉丁美洲历史最悠久、最负盛名的大学之一。它是现在阿根廷的第一所大学,通常被称为“La Docta”,意思是“智者”。它位于科尔多瓦省的科尔多瓦,现在是阿根廷第二大大学,仅次于布宜诺斯艾利斯大学
National University of Córdoba, established in 1613, is one of Latin America’s oldest and most prestigious universities. Founded as the first university in what is now Argentina, it is often known as "La Docta," which means "The Wise". Situated in Córdoba, in the Córdoba Province, it is now the second largest university in Argentina, after the University of Buenos Aires.
UNC is free and secular. It is financially dependent on the national government but has autonomy to manage its budget, choose its authorities and dictate its own rules in accordance with the national level. Its origin goes back to 1610 when the Jesuits established the Collegium Maximum (Maximum School).
During its first two centuries of life, UNC offered three senior studies: philosophy, theology and later law. The UNC has 13 faculties offering nearly 300 undergraduate and graduate degrees. There are also 100 academic research centres and services, 25 libraries and 16 museums.
UNC is home to an astronomical observatory, which was Argentina’s first scientific institution and is now used for the university’s educational and research purposes.
The university’s pharmaceutical laboratory was established in 1963 and specialises in the development and commercialisation of products made from human plasma. It is South America’s largest fractionation plant and supplies the continent with medicines at a low cost, as well as exporting plasma to 10 Latin American countries.
On campus facilities include an indoor gymnasium, sports hall and a 12-hectare sports field for 25 different sports including hockey, volleyball, rugby and handball.