

更新时间:2023-12-09 16:30:01作者:嘉佳老师




  单纯的写Hi或是hello professor,或是help,I want to join you lab只会被当成垃圾邮件删除掉,标题表现出学术性和目的性也是很重要的,较正式的写法有以下两种:

  About XXXXX;Re: (Regarding)XXXXXX。. visit  for more.

  这个xxx可以是你感兴趣的教授方向,也可以是教授的论文题目,也可以直接写自己感兴趣的方向,比如想学蛋白质工程题目可以直接写Re:protein engineering。当然有许多人直接写I am interested in pursuing Ph.D. degree in 具体方向 in your research group也未尝不可,只是效果因人而异了。


  套磁之前,一定要看清楚对方的科研背景,以及最近正在进行的科研活动。比较有用的办法是看publication里面'submitted'或'to appear'的论文,有机会的话下载下来仔细研读一下也是非常有用的。很多申请者套辞信过去就是直接问是不是有钱,说到自己就是gpa多少,拿过多少奖,好一点地会介绍一下自己的科研经历以及发表过的论文等等,但是人家真正感兴趣的是你可以在他的领域里面有多大的成就。不好好研究一下对方的背景就贸贸然套辞信过去,反而对你不利。因为教授看见这样一封没有丝毫针对性地套辞信,会认为你是在用一个通用的模板信批量发信。如果遇上较真一点的教授,会直接把你的email发给招生主任(通常也是系里的教授),那么你就别再指望这所学校了。








  第一封套磁信言简意赅地说明来意,100~300字足够,不必写万言书;可以附带简历,PS 可免。如果简历不长,建议放在邮件正文里,因为某些教授的邮箱已经设置成有附件直接删除的。



  Dear Professor XXX:

  Thank you for your attention to my email. My name is XXX and my application  for admission to doctoral program of XXX for 20XX fall is still under review.  Now I am expecting to further my research and looking for such a chance in your  program.

  I&aposve been doing research on XXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXX during my BS/MS period,  especially in XXXXXXXX. Also I&aposve XXXXXXXXXXXXX(研究经历简述). Research details can be  found in my CV attached to this email.

  Would you mind taking a few minutes reading my file, please? I am looking  forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.




  Dear Prof. XXXX,


  I am XXX XXX, currently a college senior at the University of Toronto,  Canada. I&aposm studying in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences with Pharmacology and  Economics being my double major, and I am about to receive my degree in the  coming June. However, I am very interested in programs that are more  quantitative and analytical, such as the QCF program at your university, and I  hope to pursue an education in this program at my master&aposs level of studies. I   understand that admission to these programs at your university is highly  selective, and usually such programs require a good command of mathematics and  computational skills of the applicants. So I plan to strengthen my background in  these two fields at U of Toronto over the next year and apply to your program  for application for Fall 2011. Therefore, I do want to listen to your  authoritative analysis of my situation and plan ahead. Would you please kindly  look over my transcript and offer me some suggestions as for what other courses  I need to take in order to meet your prerequisite requirement and to enhance my  competitiveness for admission? I have hereby scanned my transcript and would you  please refer to the attachment? Your reply and suggestion will be greatly  appreciated. Thank you very much.

  Sincerely yours,



  Dear Professor ********:

  I am a working professional at KPMG China since September 2008, who wishes  to apply for the Master program in Finance at your honored department. By  writing to you, I wonder whether I have the possibility to be admitted by your  program.

  Briefly speaking, I graduated from Tongji University, China with   undergraduate major Statistics and minor Finance in July 2008. My TOEFL iBT  score is 88 and GMAT score is 680 (V 32,Q 49,AW 4.5), and undergraduate overall  GPA is around 3.6/5.0 (Tongji University sets very strictly score system).  Please refer to my CV at the end of this letter for more information.

  I find that your master program fits my interest perfectly. With solid  foundations in mathematics and practical experience I hope can penetrate in the  area of finance at master phase. I wish I can have the chance to take master  study under your direction.

  As a result, I am looking forward to suggestions for the application to  your program. I would be happy to act on your advice.

  Best regards,