

更新时间:2024-09-25 12:59:47作者:嘉佳老师





  Scientific and technological advances bring benefits to our daily life. However, most scientists are no longer able to find solutions to the problems they have created. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  More and more women now go out to work. Hence, it is government’s responsibility to provide daycare service for the children of working mother, free of charge. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  Some people think students can learn more effectively in groups, while others think they should study alone. What are the benefits of each method? Which one do you think is more effective?



  作为雅思写作的一个重要话题,文化类经常考察的方面有:建筑类、旅游类、语言类等等。在曾经的2013年11月16日的雅思考试中,就考察了这样的一个题目:Somelanguages are increasing in use,while many others are declining. Do you thinkthis is a positive or negative development? 这就是一个有关语言类的话题。初次知道,常见的文化类话题还有:

  20130314建筑类When designing a building,the most important thing to take intoaccount is the intended use of the building rather than its outward  what extent do you agree or disagree?

  20130706 旅游类 Space travel has been possible for some time and some peoplethink the space tourism could be developed in the future. To what extent do youthink it's a positive or negative development?

  20130727 建筑类The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the worldcosts numerous governments' expenditures. This money should be used in newhousing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  1、Guarding precious and vulnerable places is one of the better things theUN’s cultural agency does—but it may topple over if it stretches too far.

  Guard:守卫,保卫,比如英国的著名报纸就叫做the Guardian 《卫报》。

  Precious and vulnerable: 宝贵的和易受伤害的,用于形容传统建筑或者文化非常好。

  2、Anyone who dreams of exercising authority (of a fairly benign sort) overthe entire world—with a special remit for the planet's most beautiful andfragile places—will enjoy perusing the 250 or so pages that contain the latestpronouncements from UNESCO's World Heritage Committee.

  most beautiful and fragile:最美的和脆弱的,用于形容文化遗产,替换刚才的Precious andvulnerable,注意雅思写作的词汇丰富性。