

更新时间:2025-01-31 08:59:19作者:敏敏





It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later.


1) let's start with the verb "persuade", which is sometimes used to mean "persuade someone to do something";

I hope this will convince you to change your mind. I hope this will make you change your mind. )

2) Some verbs especially mean "persuade someone to do something", such as the phrasal verbs talk into and (informally) rope in:

Cathy refused to go camping, but I think I can persuade him to go. Cathy refuses to go camping, but I think I can persuade her to go. )

We still need two people to form this team, so we have a few spectators. We need two more people to form a team.


3) Other words mean that you persuade someone to do something by saying nice things to them, such as the verb sweet talk, cajole and the phrasal verb get round in British English:

Maybe you can sweet-talk Patrick into helping? Maybe you can coax Patrick into helping him? )


My mother doesn't want me to have a party, but I hope I can convince her. My mother doesn't want me to go to the party.


4) A similar verb-Coax-emphasizes that you persuade someone to do something through kindness and patience (persuade with good words,


5) The phrasal verb work on emphasizes your efforts when trying to persuade someone to do something (trying to persuade):


6) another "persuade" verb-wheedle-means that you persuade someone to do something with charm or praise, sometimes in a insincere way (by sweet words):

He wasn't going to tell me what happened, but I managed to coax him into saying it. He doesn't want to tell me what happened.


7) Other "persuasion" verbs mean that you are trying to persuade someone to do something forcefully, for example, the formal word "admonish; Persuade):

The warden warned the prisoners not to riot. The governor warned the criminals not to make trouble. )

The verbs pressure and pressure go further, suggesting that you strongly persuade someone to do something they don't want to do (pressure; Forcing):

He was forced to sign the agreement. He was forced to sign the contract. )

8) Finally, there are two useful idioms in this respect. If you force someone, you will persuade them to do what they don't want to do. Forcing):


At the same time, if you can play with someone in the palm of your hand, you can persuade them to do whatever you want, usually because they love you (dominate or drive someone at will,

She can play with her father in the palm of her hand. Her father does everything she says. )

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