

更新时间:2025-01-29 21:59:23作者:优优




We all have times when we want to give advice to someone or to make a suggestion about something they could do to solve a problem. However, it's not always easy to do that without giving offence, so this post looks at a range of language you could use in this situation.

在日常生活中,我们总会遇到不得不给别人提意见或建议的时候。但如果不注意方式方法,就会让人不开心,甚至得罪人。为此,今天我们就来看看Liz Walter为我们梳理的给别人提意见或建议的常用表达。

1) The most obvious words used to give advice are modal verbs should and ought to:

You should eat more vegetables. You should eat more vegetables. )


Please note that although we often use the negative form "should not", we use the negative form "should". It shouldn't be used rarely,

2) We also need:

You need to get some sleep. You need to sleep. )

3) Words like "should", "should" and "need" are very clear. They show that you are very sure of your suggestions. The problem is that they may annoy the person you are talking to, because they will make you sound quite bossy. You can soften your suggestions and needs by adding a word like "maybe" or "maybe" at the beginning.


4) You can also use the modal verb could, which makes this sentence sound more like a suggestion than a strict suggestion. Similarly, you can add a word, such as "maybe", to make it less bossy.


5) Another common way to give advice is to start with a sentence like this: If I were you, I would … (If I were you,



If you want to know, we say' I was' here instead of the usual' I was' because it is a subjunctive mood-but you don't need to worry about this, just learn this phrase! If I were you, I used the subjunctive mood in the sentence.

6) Another suggested phrase worth learning is that you'd better (not) you'd better . You had better not .):


However, it is important to note that depending on the context and mood, this phrase may sound threatening (in a specific context and mood,

You'd better not try to cheat me! You'd better not fool me! )

7) Of course, there are many other ways to give advice. Here is a choice (other common expressions):

It may be a good idea to reserve a seat. It is a good idea to reserve seats. )

Have you thought/tried/considered changing to a different course? Have you thought/tried/considered changing courses? )

Why don't you leave it for another day? Why don't you wait until later? )

I suggest cooking in an oven. I suggest baking in an oven. )

